Latest Past Events

Technology Forum – Green and Intelligent Buildings, and Energy Efficiency

Join us online to connect and co-create! The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, the Hong Kong Productivity Council and Cyberport are jointly organising a series of technology forums for industry players to share their innovative information technology (IT) solutions and success stories, and how such

SEC Webinar: Managing Office Facilities in a Smart Way

To our Cantonese speaking friends, join us in this upcoming how-to webinar, to see how you can build a modern, agile collaborative environment with our EC Room Booking System, that is also safe for your employees or students to return to office or campus safely amidst the pandemic. EC Room Booking is a smart

SEC Webinar: See How IPMVP Can Make a Difference for Your Energy Saving Project

International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP) is the leading protocol for measure and verification (M&V) projects. Unlike traditional practices, IPMVP redefines concept of energy savings, gives building owners accurate data, troubleshoots maintenance issues, ensures persistence of savings and maximises efficiency gains. Upcoming, Gary Chu, a seasoned consultant specialised in energy and sustainability, will

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