27th Aug 2020

Building Sustainability: Assets & Smart City Energy Management

Building Sustainability: Assets & Smart City Energy Management

Building Sustainability Solutions

Whether your business is helping develop new buildings or already owns one or more, having efficient asset management is vital when it comes to maximising profits and minimising environmental impacts.

Technological advances are bringing in a new era of energy usage in metropolises like Hong Kong. The way we interact and use buildings is completely different thanks to more interactive and intelligent energy-saving management systems that make buildings more sustainable and efficient.

It comes as no surprise that sustainable building design has been a positive trend in recent years. More and more architects and building managers are integrating sustainability solutions, be it more efficient lightbulbs, smart sensors, or anything else that can reduce energy wastage.

But what about the colossal number of buildings in cities like Hong Kong that were built before many of these energy management systems were a reality?

At present, a typical building’s energy is primarily consumed by HVAC systems, followed by lighting and office equipment. Buildings with old infrastructure use lots of energy because they require both heating and cooling systems that consume large amounts of power during the summer months when temperatures soar past 30 degrees Celsius. From excess use of lights during night-time to temperature controls, much of this usage has significant room to be optimised and reduced without hampering the day-to-day operation of the building.

Building solutions offered by CLP SEC

There is a wide range of intelligent energy-saving management systems available that can help transform the energy usage and efficiency of old buildings in Hong Kong. Building sustainability solutions like Building Scope and Building Portfolio allow you to monitor the health and track the carbon footprint of your building respectively.

Our Building Scope solution helps you monitor and assess your building’s energy by collecting data from sensors installed in the building. This information is then analysed to identify opportunities for reducing costs, increasing efficiency and contributing towards a healthier environment. The early detection of problems can help prevent bigger, more costly repairs or replacements down the line.

Building Portfolio is an energy management system that combines big data analytics with energy consumption to optimise energy efficiency and detect potential cost savings. This AI software gathers real-time data from various sources, allowing you to track your own consumption across different facilities and make comparisons across your property portfolio.

There are also more tangible solutions that contribute to making smart buildings like Smart Charge, which help reduce your carbon footprint by making electric vehicles more convenient by installing more charging points.

All of these energy solutions can work in tandem with your existing building management system. After integrating a series of IoT sensors, you will be able to see in detail exactly where energy is being used. With intelligent analytical models and forecasting, it becomes evident where the opportunities for energy optimisation reside. A building energy management system like this will be able to control temperature, lighting, air quality and more, adjusting it to your needs at a level of efficiency that humans cannot match.

Furthermore, monitoring solutions like these can spot areas where preventative maintenance is needed and help detect faults. This can prevent building equipment downtime, reduce costs and improve safety. But in addition to cost savings, sustainable building solutions allows us to become more diligent with our use of natural resources and preserving what little we have left.

Smart buildings make a smart city

While there are many aspects to a successful building energy management solution, there is no one system that fits every scenario. Work with us to find out which solution will best help your building to reduce its carbon footprint.

One of the wider goals here at CLP SEC is to promote Hong Kong as a smart city. Each smart building contributes to this overarching goal and works towards reducing the carbon footprint of our entire society. Together, we can put an end to energy waste in Hong Kong.

If you are interested in our building asset management solutions, contact us today to send your enquiry.

(2596 4208) enquiry@www.clpsec.com

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