SEC Sustainable And Smart Buildings 研讨会中专家提供了对未来可持续趋势的见解

Smart Energy Connect 网上 Sustainable and Smart Buildings 座谈会已于 3 月 25 日圆满结束。 是次活动涵盖多个范畴,包括科创 , 科技 , 可持续发展及智慧城市,网上座谈会反应热烈,显示社会各界,不论学术或商界亦致力研究香港发展成智慧且环保城市的路向。 我们期望你从是次活动中得到新颖的见解,并了解到提升能源效益的各种方法。 我们亦非常荣幸得到一众讲者抽空出席,在此感谢他们为座谈会带来个人经验和卓见。 Sustainable and Smart Buildings Symposium并非一次性的行动。 我们期望与你携手建立更环保的智慧香港。 马上重温上午环节及下午环节 相关消息 所有消息

By |2023-06-28T07:45:17+08:003月 30th, 2022|最新消息​|SEC Sustainable And Smart Buildings 研讨会中专家提供了对未来可持续趋势的见解已关闭评论


Successful energy saving projects are always underpinned by detailed energy audits and accurate reporting and analysing of energy consumption. Without accurate knowledge of a building's energy usage, its shortfalls and areas for improvement are hard to find. But finding a way to audit, report and monitor a building's energy consumption accurately is not an

By |2023-06-07T06:43:48+08:003月 24th, 2022|网志|开展节能项目的技巧及窍门(此网志内容只提供英文版)已关闭评论
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