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Past 活動 from 2020-09-22 – 2020-07-15 – Smart Energy Connect by CLP

IFMA – Integrate 2021

IFMA's Integrate 2021 Facility Management Conference is an annual conference for industry experts to share the innovative smart building insights and recurrent challenges, and how such technologies can elevate facility management efficiency. The coming conference, is themed “Challenging on New Operation Mode in FM After Pandemic COVID-19 in 2021”. Serena Pau, Head of Development

ReThink 2021 Sustainable Business Forum & Solutions Expo

ReThink is a 2-day programme with a wide range of keynotes, case studies, interviews, panels, workshops, and many other interactive sessions that aim at driving sustainable development across the spectrum, from sustainable leadership, circular economy, protecting biodiversity, to rethinking waste. ReThink has been designed specifically for sustainability practitioners, business leaders, researchers, and strategists. This

PropTechnify Workshop

The challenges arising from the pandemic and the increasing focus of ESG have catalysed the growth of PropTech in Hong Kong. The real estate industry has been making use of real-time & historical data collected from the building systems to optimise operations and enhance energy efficiency. SEC will be joining hands with The Hong


Are you looking for the latest green solutions and an occasion to meet with international key players in the environmental protection sector? Organised by HKTDC and co-organised by the Environmental Bureau, The Government of the HKSAR, Eco Expo Asia 2021 brings together the environmental industry to showcase the latest green products, equipment and technology.


The pandemic has prompted property developers and property management experts to utilise digital tools and implement sustainability measures to maintain operations and strengthen the linkage between the building environment and the well-being of tenants and residents. Observing the quick adoption of emerging technologies and green practices in the property management sector, we are gearing

Insight to Action Leadership Forum | The Wall Street Journal

Reserve your spot for the upcoming event on December 16! Our Associate Director, Pubudu (Pubs) A. will join the Insight to Action Leadership Forum organised by The Wall Street Journal. Attend the event to listen to the business leaders’ views on strategies they have implemented to empower their workforce to become more data-driven. At

SEC Workshop 1.0: What’s Next?

Businesses are constantly seeking new technologies to help them enhance operational efficiency, optimise energy usage and reduce environmental impact. This workshop will showcase a number of innovations that Smart Energy Connect will bring to market in 2022 and how they will help you optimise resources and meet your environmental goals. Join our workshop to


The International Property Management and Procurement Expo is back! Taking place from 30 August to 1 September at #HKCEC, the Expo provides property managers and service providers a platform to access new solutions and to foster business partnerships. We look forward to seeing you in person at our booth 3D-D12, 3D14, 3E-11 and 3E-13

ReThink 2022 Sustainable Business Forum & Solutions Expo

ReThink HK will return in October, bringing together business leaders and sustainability practitioners to explore innovative and sustainable solutions. On October 6, Pubudu Abayasiri, Director of CLP Digital Services, will share his insights on smart energy innovations for net-zero buildings. During the panel discussion, he will join the other panelists at the Sustainable Resources

Build4Asia 2022

Are you looking for technologies that can turn your buildings green? We can show you how our digital innovations can help you advance your sustainability agenda in the coming Build4Asia2022 at CLPe booth #1E-200. From air-side and supply-side HVAC optimisation, buildings energy consumption monitoring & analytics to digitalised facility management platform, these solutions aim

Smart Citytech Week 2022

Reserve your spot for the coming Smart Citytech Week, which starts on November 21! On the first day, CLP Chief Digital Officer, Austin R. Bryan, and CLPe Managing Director, Alex Keisser will join the Smart Energy: “Net-Zero Power Pioneers in Greater Bay Area” panel with the other panellists to discuss how smart energy technologies

ReThink HK 2023 Conference

ReThink HK 將於9月舉行。一連兩天的會議及展覽將雲集業界領袖及可持續發展的從業員,共同探討多個商業案例及解決方案,推動香港邁向更持續的未來。中電數碼服務部資深經理,楊奕成先生將於9月14日分享他對於如何利用零碳科技達致淨零的見解。於緊接的討論環節,他更會與業界專家討論要塑造未來智慧綠色城市所需的策略及科技。請不要錯過當天的討論! 更多資訊

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