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Past 活動 from 2020-09-22 – 2020-07-15 – 第 2 頁 – Smart Energy Connect by CLP

theDesk Webinar : Ways Smart Buildings Are Saving Energy and Reducing Carbon Footprint

The "Don't Waste the Crisis, Build a Better Hong Kong" series is a weekly 90-minute session organised by theDesk, inviting business leaders to share their takes on innovation and market trends. The coming live-streaming session features our Associate Director, Pubudu A., where we talk about how we can save energy by making our buildings

創新科技嘉年華2020 – Smart Energy Connect 創新之旅

While traditionally perceived to be inanimate, the power sector was hardly considered to be cutting-edge or Innovative. That’s all changed especially in recent years. In the coming InnoCarnival 2020, organised by Innovation and Technology Commission, our Vincent Chow, Head of Marketing from CLP Innovation, will deep dive on how the industry has transformed and

Smart Energy Transitions Workshop 2021: The Prospects and Challenges of Human-centred Smart Energy Transitions in Hong Kong and Asia

The "Smart Energy Transitions Workshop 2021: The Prospects and Challenges of Human-centred Smart Energy Transitions in Hong Kong and Asia", organised by the Hong Kong Baptist University, was held in Feb 2021. The Workshop aims to bring together energy stakeholders across academic, government and business to discuss the various pathways leading to a future

The Virtual Martech Summit 2021

The Virtual Martech Summit is a live three-day summit, from 24-26 Feb, that focuses on 3 main verticals: B2C, BFSI (banking, financial services & insurance), and B2B. Over 50 industry thought leaders and experts will reveal both pain points and best practices for recent advancements in AI, data analytics, content marketing and more. We

SEC Sustainable and Smart Buildings Symposium

Are you looking to improve your building energy performance? Join us in the SEC Sustainable and Smart Buildings Symposium and find out how technology can help you lower costs, improve efficiency and innovate at scale. The symposium is a complimentary event that brings the community together to connect and collaborate, so that you can

Li Po Chun United World College Virtual Green Day

What can one do about climate change? Join Li Po Chun United World College on 10 April in their coming Virtual Green Day, which is open to all secondary school students. Green Day 2021 is a virtual day camp organised by students of LPCUWC, hoping to bring a fun and educational experience around sustainable

Towards a Sustainable Future Series: Better Buildings

Our iconic Hong Kong skyline hosts an impressive array of buildings, enjoyed by all for work, living or play. However, these buildings were designed and built in an era when there was lower attention on environmental sustainability and decarbonisation. With Hong Kong now committed to be carbon neutral by 2050, building design and office

Smart Infrastructure Conference 2021

The "Smart Infrastructure Conference 2021", organised by HKUST, Great Smart Cities, HKUST Civil and Environmental Engineering Alumni, Smart City Consortium, and HKIE, enables participants to review the utilisation of cutting-edge smart applications in the Greater Bay Area, and how technologies shape our cities to be more connected and sustainable. The Conference also provides a

The Connected Cities Conference 2021

The StartmeupHK Festival 2021 will be returning from 24 - 28 May this year and is going virtual! It’s time to celebrate the best of tech innovation virtually. Join our Connected Cities Conference on 27 May during the Festival and learn more about how smart and connected cities around the world are using the

SEC Webinar: See How IPMVP Can Make a Difference for Your Energy Saving Project

International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP) is the leading protocol for measure and verification (M&V) projects. Unlike traditional practices, IPMVP redefines concept of energy savings, gives building owners accurate data, troubleshoots maintenance issues, ensures persistence of savings and maximises efficiency gains. Upcoming, Gary Chu, a seasoned consultant specialised in energy and sustainability, will

SEC Webinar: Managing Office Facilities in a Smart Way

To our Cantonese speaking friends, join us in this upcoming how-to webinar, to see how you can build a modern, agile collaborative environment with our EC Room Booking System, that is also safe for your employees or students to return to office or campus safely amidst the pandemic. EC Room Booking is a smart

技術論壇 – 綠色及智慧建築和能源效益

齊來參與網上交流及共創!政府資訊科技總監辦公室、香港科技園公司、數碼港及香港生產力促進局正合辦一系列技術論壇,讓業界分享其創新資訊科技方案及成功個案,以及這些創新方案如何有效地提升公共服務的質素。 即將舉行的第十次技術論壇以「綠色及智慧建築和能源效益」為主題,中電創新數碼科技聯席總監Pubs Abayasiri將會分享管理綠色及智慧樓宇和能源效益方面的創新解決方案實例。 如何應用創新科技推動發展綠色及智慧建築,以及提升能源效益,令香港成為一個宜居的環保城市?就讓我們攜手合作,發掘創新意念,持續優化公共服務!

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