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通往淨零之路:第二篇 – 透過24/7零碳能源匹配實現減碳 (此網誌內容只提供英文版)

Our first article of the “A Path to Net-Zero” series discussed the global efforts and commitments towards achieving net-zero carbon emissions. We also introduced the concept of 24/7 Carbon-Free Energy (CFE), which is round-the-clock availability of renewable energy such as solar and wind, and briefly described how hourly energy-matching technologies are within our reach.

By |2023-09-04T10:07:54+08:0025 8 月, 2023|網誌|在〈通往淨零之路:第二篇 – 透過24/7零碳能源匹配實現減碳 (此網誌內容只提供英文版)〉中留言功能已關閉
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通往淨零之路:第一篇 – 了解24/7 零碳能源 (此網誌內容只提供英文版)

Renewable energy is a global movement that is picking up steam faster than ever before. In 2020 alone, the world added an unprecedented 260 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy capacity. This marks an increase of 50% compared to the previous year and brings the total global renewable energy capacity to over 2,799 GW*.  Why is

By |2023-08-25T17:44:12+08:0011 5 月, 2023|網誌|在〈通往淨零之路:第一篇 – 了解24/7 零碳能源 (此網誌內容只提供英文版)〉中留言功能已關閉
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只需數個點擊即可輕鬆實現數碼化設施管理 (此網誌內容只提供英文版)

How will you describe "facility management" first? Will it be workflow digitalisation, maintenance record keeping, or the management of third-party suppliers and supporting staff? In fact, facility management goes far beyond managing facilities and personnel. According to the International Facility Management Association, facility management refers to "a profession that encompasses multiple disciplines to ensure

By |2023-06-26T15:55:20+08:0022 7 月, 2022|網誌|在〈只需數個點擊即可輕鬆實現數碼化設施管理 (此網誌內容只提供英文版)〉中留言功能已關閉
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中電的旅程: 通過不斷創新實現可持續發展(此網誌內容只提供英文版)

2021 is a year to be remembered. In face of all the challenges, our focuses and priorities have never changed. We worked diligently to close the innovation gaps that were vital to attaining sustainability, and collaborated with our peers to conduct research, leverage technology, and capture intellectual capital to accomplish sustainability milestones. The S&P

By |2023-05-18T06:45:19+08:005 5 月, 2022|網誌|在〈中電的旅程: 通過不斷創新實現可持續發展(此網誌內容只提供英文版)〉中留言功能已關閉
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Successful energy saving projects are always underpinned by detailed energy audits and accurate reporting and analysing of energy consumption. Without accurate knowledge of a building's energy usage, its shortfalls and areas for improvement are hard to find. But finding a way to audit, report and monitor a building's energy consumption accurately is not an

By |2023-05-18T06:51:55+08:0024 3 月, 2022|網誌|在〈開展節能項目的技巧及竅門(此網誌內容只提供英文版)〉中留言功能已關閉
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Climate change is one of the most serious challenges facing the world today. In its recently published guidance, the Education Bureau urged all schools to devise and implement a school-based environmental policy, to strengthen students' awareness over environmental issues and to encourage their participation so that they can lead an environmentally-friendly lifestyle. Environmental education

By |2023-05-18T06:53:40+08:004 5 月, 2021|網誌|在〈不同行業合作透過使用先進技術建設綠色校園(此網誌內容只提供英文版)〉中留言功能已關閉
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改善校園室內空氣質素 為學生提供健康舒適的學習環境(此網誌內容只提供英文版)

As cities continue to expand, air quality has become a global issue. Protecting our students' health is something that cannot be put off any longer. The classroom environment cannot escape from the impact of worsening air pollution. Sub-optimal air quality has a negative impact on our student's health and comfort, seriously affecting their learning

By |2023-05-18T06:54:45+08:004 5 月, 2021|網誌|在〈改善校園室內空氣質素 為學生提供健康舒適的學習環境(此網誌內容只提供英文版)〉中留言功能已關閉
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On any given day, prior to the pandemic, there were many physical corporate events that were taking place, ranging from conferences, workshops, internal company offsites, team building, etc. Many of these have switched to virtual events but we are seeing more and more physical slowly coming back. The challenge is that many of these

By |2023-05-18T06:56:51+08:0011 3 月, 2021|網誌|在〈營銷人員如何計劃低碳活動以抵銷碳排放?(此網誌內容只提供英文版)〉中留言功能已關閉
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雲計算如何改變建築管理? (此網誌內容只提供英文版)

Building managers, whether of a single unit, campus, or portfolio of buildings, have diverse needs in terms of energy, cost, and efficiency. Hong Kong's 40,000 buildings not only consume 90% of the city's electricity but require hours of manpower expended on routine building management tasks. All these challenges are poised to be addressed by

By |2023-05-18T06:59:03+08:003 2 月, 2021|網誌|在〈雲計算如何改變建築管理? (此網誌內容只提供英文版)〉中留言功能已關閉
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為何在CLP Innovation 實習如此與眾不同? (此網誌內容只提供英文版)

The energy sector as a whole is changing rapidly with new innovations in technology and business models appearing constantly. One of the reoccurring themes is the idea of sustainability, and more broadly, making sure the operations are green and businesses are sustainable as a whole. Within CLP, Smart Energy Connect (SEC) is a recent

By |2023-04-20T07:18:06+08:009 7 月, 2020|網誌|在〈為何在CLP Innovation 實習如此與眾不同? (此網誌內容只提供英文版)〉中留言功能已關閉
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